One Piece PDF Zine Volume 1:
Dreamin' On! 21st Century

The first installation in the OPDF Zine Series
A Modern AU Zine

Email us at [email protected]


One Piece PDF Zine Volume 1:
Dreamin' On! 21st Century
Modern AU

This zine is a Digital Only project designed to offer multiple opportunities to up-and-coming and veteran One Piece content creators to form a stronger, welcoming community.

These multiple opportunities will come in the form of a continuous series of volumes that will host many themes and contributor opportunities.

Volume One of this zine will host 25 contributors total, with 5 of them being guest spotlights. Going with a ratio of 1:1, the zine will be $25.00 USD.

The proceeds of this zine will be split in half. 50% will be distributed among the contributors (think of it as a big ol' commission), and the other 50% will be donated to ACLU, the American Civil Liberties Union.

"The ACLU dares to create a more perfect union — beyond one person, party, or side. Our mission is to realize this promise of the United States Constitution for all and expand the reach of its guarantees."

Frequently Asked Questions

Please visit our Curiouscat to ask us questions or direct message us on Twitter!

How will contributors be informed of application results?We will ask for an email to be submitted in the application which will be used to inform all applicants of the contributor results once decided.

How will contributors be compensated?They will get a free copy of the zine as well as 50% of the proceeds.

Would these be for profit or for charity? 😳We have decided on a even split between both.

What kind of art to writing ratio could we expect to see in the zines? Would it be closer to an even balance or more art heavy like a lot of zines?It will depend on the ratio of applicants we get for the zines. The goal is to come up with a healthy ratio for all parties. Out of 25 contributors, we hope to have at least 5 be writers if not more.
Will there need to be a fully colored background/etc or are plain backgrounds okay ? It won't be necessary to go into full detail with the background. We prefer backgrounds be more than a solid color, but if that is something you are not used to or is something you find difficult, we would suggest looking into a background picture-blur-method as opposed to defaulting to solid color.


Zine will consist of 8.5x11in Portrait Drawings.
This allows our buyers to print this PDF Zine from a standard printer.

Characters will not be assigned.
Specific Character choices are encouraged.
Ship focuses are not desired, but can be considered on a case-by-case.

There will be a max cut on character selections, as we would not want the zine to be 60% Sanji and 40% multiple characters. The application will ask for your ideas for an open discussion.

This zine is Safe For Work. No NSFW content will be permitted.

No racism, homophobia, transphobia, or sexism will be tolerated. Such behavior will result in a permanent ban from involvement in this zine and future zines.

All art and writings must be original works. If pieces of traced or stolen works are discovered, you will be banned from working in this zine and future zine.

Contributors may share WIPs of their works as the zine is in development and may share crops and previews of their works in the first two weeks that the zine is released. After the first initial period of the zine's release, contributors may publicly post their works as they wish.

Advice for Applying

Submit your best works. No WIPs or sketches, only completed pieces.Submissions do not have to be One Piece related, but it is heavily encouraged.We are looking for a diverse group of contributors that will be able to offer many different modern themed scenarios.Consider all of your ideas when applying. We will be asking for your input on what you would enjoy creating!


Icons are by Muti | Cellphone designs are by Eme


Hana @hanahana ̲ no ̲ ̲ mi - Twitter - AO3Jon @origamidragons - Twitter - Tumblr - AO3
Jes @irassal - Twitter - Tumblr - AO3Elliot @aclownsmusican - Twitter - InstagramNat @schangia_ - Twitter - AO3Ezra @ ̲ winters ̲ child ̲ - TwitterHam @buggyisbest - Twitter - AO3

Syler @Sylords - Twitter - TumblrRaz @dragonkov ̲ - Twitter - Tumblr ???Contributors
LilyRi RuruLiviaMarryBaoSamAnnaSakanaEdwardCelesteYe McBearRandalJinJune
